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Tensor Expressions

Tensors and indices can be combined in tensor expressions (TsrEx) in three ways:

This page provides a brief overview of the supported operations and illustrates their use with some examples.


FunFact adopts a lazy evaluation model for tensor expressions. Upon generation only some basic analysis is performed without evaluating the full expression. Evaluation only happens when a model created from the tensor expression is evaluated.


We assume the readers are familiar with the Einstein notation. Many excellent introductary articles can be found online, such as:

Three Types of Tensor Expressions

Indexless Expressions

An indexless expression only involves tensors. These operations are equivalent to NumPy-style array operations. The supported operations are:

Elementwise Operations

Elementwise operations act on tensors of the same shape.

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2, 4, 6)  # a random 4-way tensor
b = ff.tensor('b', 5, 2, 4, 6)  # a random 4-way tensor with the same shape
tsrex = a + b                   # elementwise sum of a and b
tsrex = a - b                   # elementwise difference of a and b
tsrex = a * b                   # elementwise product of a and b
tsrex = a / b                   # elementwise division of a and b
tsrex = a**b                    # elementwise exponentiation: base a, exponent b
Elementwise operations can also be carried out between a tensor and a scalar. In this case the scalar is broadcasted to the same dimensions as the tensor and the operations is performed elementwise.

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2, 4, 6)  # a random 4-way tensor
tsrex = a + 1                   # elementwise sum of a and 1, equiv: 1 + a
tsrex = a - 3                   # elementwise difference of a and 3
tsrex = 3 - a                   # additive inverse of above
tsrex = a * 2                   # elementwise product of a and 2, equiv: 2 * a
tsrex = a / 4                   # elementwise division of a and 4
tsrex = 4 / a                   # multiplicative inverse of above
tsrex = a**3                    # elementwise cube of a
tsrex = 2**a                    # elementwise exponentiation: base 2, exponent a
tsrex = -a                      # elementwise unary minus

Elementwise operations can be concatenated and the usual order of operations is taken into acount.

import funfact as ff
import numpy as np
a = ff.tensor('a', np.array([1.]))
b = ff.tensor('b', np.array([2.]))
c = ff.tensor('c', np.array([3.]))
tsrex = a + b * c               # returns 7 after evaluation
tsrex = a + (b * c)             # equivalent to above
tsrex = (a + b) * c             # returns 9 after evaluation

Matrix Product

An indexless matrix inner product can be carried out on 2-way tensors with compatible dimensions with the @ operator.

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2) 
b = ff.tensor('b', 2, 3)
tsrex = a @ b                   # matrix product of a and b with shape 5 x 3

Matrix products can be concatenated (a @ b @ c @ ...) and combined with elementwise operations ((a @ b) + c).

Matrix Kronecker Product

An indexless matrix Kronecker can be performed for 2-way tensors with the & operator.

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2)
b = ff.tensor('b', 2, 3)
tsrex = a & b                   # Kronecker product of a and b with shape 10 x 6

Kronecker products can be concatenated (a & b & c & ...) and combined with matrix multiplications and elementwise operations ((a & b) @ c + d).

Indexed Expressions

FunFact tensor expressions can also be written as indexed expressions with a syntax that is based on Einstein notation. This is similar to how einsum works in NumPy. Indices that are repeated on the left-hand and right-hand side of a binary operation are assumed to be contracting indices. For example, the indexless matrix inner product can be written as follows as an indexed expression:

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2)
b = ff.tensor('b', 2, 3)
i, j, k = ff.indices('i, j, k')
tsrex = a[i, j] * b[j, k]       # equivalent: a @ b

Here the index j appears on both the left-hand and right-hand side and is thus contracted. The contraction is performed by an elementwise multiplication (as indicated by *) followed by a reduction through a summation along the contracting dimension. The elementwise operation * can be replaced by other elementwise operations that are all combined with a reduction through summation:

tsrex = a[i, j] + b[j, k]       # elementwise summation,   reduction by summation
tsrex = a[i, j] / b[j, k]       # elementwise division,    reduction by summation
tsrex = a[i, j] - b[j, k]       # elementwise subtraction, reduction by summation

In contrast to an indexless matrix inner product, indexed expressions can be extended to higher-order tensors as illustrated in the following example.


A Tucker decomposition for a 3-way tensor,

\[ \mathcal{T} = T \times_1 U^{(1)} \times_2 U^{(2)} \times_3 U^{(3)}, \]

can be written in FunFact as follows:

T = ff.tensor('T', 4, 5, 6)
U1 = ff.tensor('U_1', 4, 10)
U2 = ff.tensor('U_2', 5, 20)
U3 = ff.tensor('U_3', 6, 30)
i, j, k, l, m, n = ff.indices('i, j, k, l, m, n')
tsrex = T[i, j, k] * U1[i, l] * U2[j, m] * U3[k, n] # l x m x n tensor

We will see later how we can write a FunFact tensor expression for a Tensor rank decomposition of a 3-way tensor using explicitly non-reducing indices.

Semiring Operators

Alternative semiring reduction operations such as minplus, logsumexp and viterbi are available in FunFact:

from funfact import minplus, logsumexp, viterbi
tsrex = minplus(a[i, j], b[j, k])   # elementwise min, reduction by summation
tsrex = logsumexp(a[i, j], b[j, k]) # elementwise log_sum_exp, reduction by summation
tsrex = viterbi(a[i, j], b[j, k])   # elementwise max, reduction by logg_add_exp

Explicitly Non-Reducing Indices

Indices can be made explicitly non-reducing by decorating them with a ~ symbol. This explicitly blocks a contraction along this index even if it is repeated on both sides of a binary expression. For non-reducing indices that are repeated on both sides of an expression only the elementwise operations are performed without the reduction operation. For example,

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2)
b = ff.tensor('b', 2, 3)
i, j, k = ff.indices('i, j, k')
tsrex = a[i, ~j] * b[j, k]      # 5 x 2 x 3 tensor


The ~ index decorator can be added to any of the occurences of an index in a binary expression in order to be applied. For example, a[i, ~j] * b[j, k], a[i, j] * b[~j, k], and a[i, ~j] * b[~j, k] all give the same result.


Decorating indices that are not repeated on both sides of an expression with ~ has no effect.


The ~ index decorator can be used to write a FunFact tensor expression for a rank-\(r\) tensor rank decomposition of a 3-way tensor,

\[ \mathcal{T} = \sum_{i=1}^r a_i \otimes b_i \otimes c_i, \]

where \(\otimes\) is the tensor product of vectors; not to be confused with a matrix Kronecker product. This can be translated into a FunFact tensor expression as follows:

r = 5
a = ff.tensor('a', 10, r)
b = ff.tensor('b', 20, r)
c = ff.tensor('c', 30, r)
i, j, k, l = ff.indices('i, j, k, l')
tsrex = (a[i, ~l] * b[j, l]) * c[k, l] # i x j x k tensor

Here the ~ is required to avoid the reduction over the l index after the first contraction.

After a contraction involving explicitly non-reducing indices, the order of the indices in the resulting tensor is:

  1. Free surviving indices of the left-hand side,
  2. Explicitly non-reducing indices on both left-hand and right-hand side,
  3. Free surviving indices of the right-hand side.

The following examples illustrate this behavior. We assume that all tensors have the appropriate shape for the specified operation.

tsrex = a[i, ~j] * b[j, k]          # i x j x k tensor
tsrex = a[~j, i] * b[j, k]          # i x j x k tensor
tsrex = a[i, j] * b[k, ~j]          # i x j x k tensor

Kronecker indices

A second kind of index decorator is given by *. This symbol indicates that a given index is a Kronecker index, which means that the index is treated as an in-dimension outer product. We can use the * index decorator to write the standard Kronecker product of two matrices as an indexed FunFact tensor expression:

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2)
b = ff.tensor('b', 2, 3)
i, j = ff.indices('i, j')
tsrex = a[[*i, *j]] *b[i, j]   # Kronecker product of a and b with shape 10 x 6


Index notations with a Kronecker product index have to written with double brackets [[*i, *j]]. This is required because * operator is the list unpacking operator in Python.


The * index decorator can be added to any of the occurences of an index in a binary expression in order to be applied. For example, a[[*i, *j]] * b[i, j], a[i, j] * b[[*i, j]], and a[[*i, *j]] * b[[*i, j]] all give the same result.


The combination of Kronecker * indices and explicitly non-reducing ~ indices can be used to write a FunFact tensor expression for a Khatri-Rao product or columnwise Kronecker product of two matrices \(A \in \mathbb{R}^{m_1 \times n}\) and \(B \in \mathbb{R}^{m_2 \times n}\),

\[ C = A \odot B := [a_1 \otimes b_1 \ a_2 \otimes b_2 \ \cdots \ a_n \otimes b_n], \]

here \(C \in \mathbb{R}^{m_1 m_2 \times n}\) and \(\otimes\) is the Kronecker product of two vectors. The Khatri-Rao product and its row-wise variant can be written in FunFact as:

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2)
b = ff.tensor('b', 3, 2)
c = ff.tensor('c', 5, 4)
i, j = ff.indices('i, j')
# (standard) Khatri-Rao product of a and b with shape 15 x 2 :
tsrex = a[[*i, ~j]] * b[i, j]
# row-wise Khatri-Rao product of a and c with shape 5 x 8 :
tsrex = a[[~i, *j]] * c[i, j] 

Notice that up to reshaping of the data, the Khatri-Rao product is equivalent with using a standard outer product instead of an in-dimension outer product:

tsrex = a[i, ~j] * b[k, ~j]     # 5 x 2 x 3 tensor

Explicit output indices

The output indices of an indexed tensor expression can be explicitly set using the >> operator. This operator has two closely related interpretations depending on whether it is added to a binary expression (Einstein operation) or not:

  • If >> [indices...] is used immediately after a binary operation, then the indices will be used in the NumPy convention to specify not only the order of the output dimensions but also to force/disable reduction over specified indices. In this case, the indices in [] must be a subset of the union of live indices of the left-hand side and the right-hand side.

tsrex = a[i, k] * b[j, k] >> [j, i]
Result: The axes associated with indices i, j are permuted to j, i.

tsrex = a[i, k] * b[j, k] >> [k, j, i]
Result: The repeated index k is explicitly marked as non-reducing.

tsrex = a[i, k] * b[j, k] >> [j]
Result: The axis corresponding to the lone index i is explicitly marked as reducing.

  • If >> [indices...] follows an indexed expression that is, however, not an einop, then it will specify an axes permutation operation. The order of the permutation will be deduced by the order of the indices in [] as well as in the live indices of the indexed expression. The two sets of indices here must have the same elements.
tsrex = ff.exp(a[i, j, k, ~m] * b[k, i, l, m]) # result has indices j, m, l
tsrex = tsrex >> [j, l, m]                     # transpose to j, l, m

Index reassignment

Indices can also be reassigned to new indices:

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2)
b = ff.tensor('b', 2, 3)
i, j, k = ff.indices('i, j, k')
tsrex = a[i, j] * b[j, k]           # tsrex has indices i, k
m, n = ff.indices('m, n')           # new indices    
tsrex = tsrex[m, n]                 # reassign indices to m, n
tsrex = (a[i, j] * b[j, k])[m,n]    # single-line equivalent

This functionality is particularly useful in combination with indexless expression in order to create hybdrid expressions.

Hybrid expressions

Hybrid tensor expressions consist of both indexless and indexed sub expressions. The following is an illustrative example:

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2)
b = ff.tensor('b', 2, 3)
c = ff.tensor('c', 5, 4, 6)
d = ff.tensor('d', 3, 4, 6)
i, j, k, l = ff.indices('i, j, k, l')
tsrex = ((a @ b)[i, j] * c[i, k, l]) + d

The following operations happen in tsrex:

  1. Matrix product of a and b, resulting in an indexless \(5 \times 3\) tensor
  2. Renaming the indices of this tensor to [i, j]
  3. An indexed contraction with c, resulting in a \(3 \times 4 \times 6\) tensor with indices [j, k, l]
  4. An indexless elementwise summation with d

The result tsrex is thus an indexless \(3 \times 4 \times 6\) tensor.


The indexness of any binary subexpression of a hybrid tensor expression is determined by the following rule:

  • @ and & are always indexless matrix product and Kronecker product operations between 2D tensors.

  • If both the left-hand side and right-hand side are indexed, then

    • the binary operation is regarded as a generalized Einstein operation, and
    • the result is an indexed expression.
  • If either the left-hand side, right-hand side or both operands are indexless, then

    • the binary operation is regarded as an elementwise operation, and
    • the result is an indexless expression.


FunFact tensor expressions can be enhanced by using non-linearities on sub-expressions. Non-linear operations can be found in the math module, which is modeled after NumPy. All non-linearities are elementwise operations.

Properties of tensor expressions

Every FunFact tensor expressions comes with out-of-the-box functionality to help understanding its structure. We illustrate this functionality for the following example:

import funfact as ff
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2, 4)
b = ff.tensor('b', 2, 3)
i, j, k, l = ff.indices('i, j, k, l')
tsrex = a[i, j, l] * b[j, k]
  • LaTeX style rendering of tensor expressions is available in Jupyter notebooks. Running
    renders as:
\[ \mathbf{a}_{ijl} \mathbf{b}_{jk} \]
  • A binary tree representation of a tensor expression can be printed with the .asciitree method:
     binary: multiply 
     ├── index_notation: [i,j,l] 
     │   ├── tensor: a 
     │   ╰── indices: i,j,l 
     │       ├── index: i 
     │       ├── index: j 
     │       ╰── index: l 
     ╰── index_notation: [j,k] 
         ├── tensor: b 
         ╰── indices: j,k 
             ├── index: j 
             ╰── index: k 
  • The shape of a tensor expression can be accessed with the .shape property:

    tsrex.shape        # returns (5, 4, 3)

  • The dimensionality of a tensor expression can be accessed through the .ndim property:

    tsrex.ndim        # returns 3

  • An einsum-like specification string of the top level of the tensor expression can be accessed through .einspec:

    tsrex.einspec        # returns 'abc,bd->acd|'

  • The surviving indices of the top level of the tensor expression can be accessed through .live_indices:

    # returns [AbstractIndex(i), AbstractIndex(l), AbstractIndex(k)]

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