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factorize(tsrex, target, optimizer='Adam', loss='MSE', lr=0.1, tol=1e-06, max_steps=10000, vec_size=1, vec_axis=0, stop_by='first', returns='best', checkpoint_freq=50, dtype=None, penalty_weight=1.0, plugins=[]) ΒΆ

Factorize a target tensor using the given tensor expression. The solution is found by minimizing the loss function between the original and approximate tensors using stochastic gradient descent.


Name Type Description Default
tsrex TsrEx

A tensor expression.

target tensor

The original tensor to approximate.

optimizer str or callable 'Adam'
loss str or callable
  • If str, must be one of the loss functions defined in funfact.loss.
  • If callable, can be any object that implements the interface of funfact.loss.Loss.
lr float

SGD learning rate.

tol float

convergence tolerance.

max_steps int

maximum number of SGD steps to run.

vec_size int

Number of parallel instances to compute.

vec_axis 0 or -1

The position of the vectorization dimension.

stop_by 'first', int >= 1, or None
  • If 'first', stop optimization as soon as one solution is found whose loss is less than tol when running multiple parallel instances.
  • If int n, stop optimization after n instances have found solutions with losses less than tol.
  • If None, always optimize for max_steps steps.
returns 'best', int >= 1, or 'all'
  • If 'best', returns the solution with the smallest loss.
  • If int n or 'all', returns a list of the top n or all of the instances sorted in ascending order by loss.
checkpoint_freq int >= 1

The frequency of convergence checking.


The datatype of the factorization model (None, ab.dtype):

  • If None, the same data type as the target tensor is used.
  • If concrete dtype (float32, float64, complex64, complex128), that data type is used.
penalty_weight float)

Weight of penalties relative to loss.

plugins list

Additional methods to be inserted into the gradient descent loop.



Type Description
  • If returns == 'best', return a factorization object of type funfact.Factorization representing the best solution found.
    • If returns == n, return a list of factorization objects representing the best n solutions found.
    • If returns == 'all', return a vectorized factorization object that represents all the solutions.
Source code in funfact/
def factorize(
    tsrex, target, optimizer='Adam', loss='MSE', lr=0.1, tol=1e-6,
    max_steps=10000, vec_size=1, vec_axis=0, stop_by='first', returns='best',
    checkpoint_freq=50, dtype=None, penalty_weight=1.0, plugins=[]
    '''Factorize a target tensor using the given tensor expression. The
    solution is found by minimizing the loss function between the original and
    approximate tensors using stochastic gradient descent.

        tsrex (TsrEx): A tensor expression.
        target (tensor): The original tensor to approximate.
        optimizer (str or callable):

            - If `str`, must be one of the optimizers defined in
            - If `callable`, can be any object that implements the interface of

        loss (str or callable):

            - If `str`, must be one of the loss functions defined in
            - If `callable`, can be any object that implements the interface of

        lr (float): SGD learning rate.
        tol (float):  convergence tolerance.
        max_steps (int): maximum number of SGD steps to run.
        vec_size (int): Number of parallel instances to compute.
        vec_axis (0 or -1): The position of the vectorization dimension.
        stop_by ('first', int >= 1, or None):

            - If 'first', stop optimization as soon as one solution is
            found whose loss is less than `tol` when running multiple parallel
            - If int `n`, stop optimization after n instances
            have found solutions with losses less than `tol`.
            - If None, always optimize for `max_steps` steps.

        returns ('best', int >= 1, or 'all'):

            - If 'best', returns the solution with the smallest loss.
            - If int `n` or 'all', returns a list of the top `n` or all of the
            instances sorted in ascending order by loss.

        checkpoint_freq (int >= 1): The frequency of convergence checking.

        dtype: The datatype of the factorization model (None, ab.dtype):

            - If None, the same data type as the target tensor is used.
            - If concrete dtype (float32, float64, complex64, complex128),
            that data type is used.

        penalty_weight (float) : Weight of penalties relative to loss.

        plugins (list):
            Additional methods to be inserted into the gradient descent

            - If `returns == 'best'`, return a factorization object of type
            [funfact.Factorization]() representing the best solution found.
            - If `returns == n`, return a list of factorization
            objects representing the best `n` solutions found.
            - If `returns == 'all'`, return a vectorized factorization object
            that represents all the solutions.

    '''process arguments'''
    assert vec_axis in [0, -1], "Vectorization axis must be either 0 or -1."
    append = True if vec_axis == -1 else False

    if dtype is None:
        target = ab.tensor(target)
        dtype = target.dtype
        target = ab.tensor(target, dtype=dtype)

    fac = ab.add_autograd(Factorization).from_tsrex(
        tsrex, dtype=dtype, vec_size=vec_size, vec_axis=vec_axis

    if isinstance(optimizer, str):
            optimizer = getattr(funfact.optim, optimizer)
        except AttributeError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'The optimizer \'{optimizer}\' does not exist in'
        opt = optimizer(fac.factors, lr=lr)
    except Exception:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Invalid optimization algorithm:\n{e}'

    if isinstance(loss, str):
            loss = getattr(funfact.loss, loss)
        except AttributeError:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'The loss function \'{loss}\' does not exist in'
    if isinstance(loss, type):
        loss = loss()
        loss(target, target)
    except Exception as e:
        raise RuntimeError(
            f'A loss function must accept two arguments:\n{e}'

    def loss_and_penalty(model, target, sum_vec=True):
        loss_val = loss(
            model(), target, sum_vec=sum_vec, vectorized_along_last=append
        if penalty_weight > 0:
            return loss_val + penalty_weight * \
                   model.penalty(sum_leafs=True, sum_vec=sum_vec)
            return loss_val

    loss_and_grad = ab.loss_and_grad(loss_and_penalty, fac, target)

    if stop_by == 'first':
        stop_by = 1
    if not any((
        stop_by is None, isinstance(stop_by, int) and stop_by > 0
        raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid argument value for stop_by: {stop_by}')

    if not any((
        returns in ['best', 'all'], isinstance(returns, int) and returns > 0
        raise RuntimeError(f'Invalid argument value for returns: {returns}')

    '''define plugin for saving the best factorization model'''
    best_factors = [np.zeros_like(ab.to_numpy(x)) for x in fac.factors]
    best_loss = np.ones(vec_size) * np.inf

    def save_best(state: GradientDescentState, best_loss=best_loss):
        # TODO: use external validation set
        validation_loss = ab.to_numpy(
            loss_and_penalty(fac, target, sum_vec=False)
        better = np.flatnonzero(validation_loss < best_loss)
        best_loss = np.minimum(best_loss, validation_loss)
        for b, o in zip(best_factors, fac.factors):
            if append:
                b[..., better] = ab.to_numpy(o[..., better])
                b[better, ...] = ab.to_numpy(o[better, ...])

    '''define plugin for convergence test'''
    converged = np.zeros(vec_size, dtype=np.bool_)

    def convergence_check(state: GradientDescentState, converged=converged):
        # TODO: use external validation set
        validation_loss = ab.to_numpy(
            loss_and_penalty(fac, target, sum_vec=False)
        converged |= np.where(validation_loss < tol, True, False)

    '''define early-exit conditions'''
    def exit_condition(state: GradientDescentState):
        if stop_by is not None:
            return np.count_nonzero(converged) >= stop_by
            return False

    '''run the gradient descent loop'''
        lambda: loss_and_grad(fac, target), opt, max_steps, exit_condition,
        plugins=plugins + [

    '''collect results'''
    best_factors = [ab.tensor(x) for x in best_factors]

    if returns == 'best':
        return view(
            Factorization.from_tsrex(tsrex, dtype=dtype),
            np.argmin(best_loss), append
        if isinstance(returns, int):
            instances = np.argsort(best_loss)[:returns]
        elif returns == 'all':
            instances = np.argsort(best_loss)
        return [
                Factorization.from_tsrex(tsrex, dtype=dtype),
                i, append
            ) for i in instances
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