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There are two options to install FunFact:

  • install released versions from PyPI
  • install the latest version from source.
pip install funfact
git clone
cd FunFact/
python install

Autograd backends

The default installation of FunFact installs the NumPy backend, which only supports forward calculations. The NumPy backend doesn't support automatic differentiation and is not able to optimize tensor expressions for methods such as funfact.factorize.

In order to factorize tensor data by a tensor expression, two autograd backends are provided:

pip install "funfact[jax]"
pip install "funfact[torch]"

Running the command as above will trigger installalation of the respective packages. For more control on backend installation, please refer to:

Development dependencies

There are two additional sets of dependencies useful for developers:

Extra dependencies for generating documentation
pip install "funfact[docs]"
Extra dependencies for code development
pip install "funfact[devel]"
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