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Loss (ABC)

Base class for FunFact loss functions.

Steps to define a custom loss function:

  1. inherit from Loss
  2. implement _loss method to perform the elementwise evaluation for your loss function. The reduction is handled by this base class.


Name Type Description Default
reduction str

If 'mean', the mean of the elementwise loss is returned. If 'sum', the sum over the elementwise loss is returned.

sum_vec bool

If True, the loss is summed over the vectorizing dimension and a single loss value is returned. If False, the loss of every model instance is returned in an array.

vectorized_along_last bool

If True, the model is vectorized along the last dimension. If False, the model is assumed along the first dimension.

Source code in funfact/
class Loss(ABC):
    '''Base class for FunFact loss functions.

    Steps to define a custom loss function:

    1. *inherit* from `Loss`
    2. implement `_loss` method to perform the elementwise evaluation for your
    loss function. The reduction is handled by this base class.

        reduction (str):
            If 'mean', the mean of the elementwise loss is returned.
            If 'sum', the sum over the elementwise loss is returned.
        sum_vec (bool): If True, the loss is summed over the vectorizing
            dimension and a single loss value is returned. If False, the
            loss of every model instance is returned in an array.
        vectorized_along_last (bool): If True, the model is vectorized
            along the last dimension. If False, the model is assumed along
            the first dimension.

    def _loss(self, model, target):
        '''Elementwise evaluation of loss.'''

    def __init__(
        self, reduction='mean'
        if reduction not in ['mean', 'sum']:
            raise SyntaxError(
                'The reduction operation should be either mean or sum, got '
                f'{reduction} instead.'
        self.reduction = reduction

    def __call__(
        self, model, target, sum_vec=True, vectorized_along_last=False
        '''Evaluate the loss function.

            model (tensor): model data.
            target (tensor): target data.

                The loss values as a scalar (non-vectorized data) or 1D vector
                (vectorized data).
        if target.ndim == model.ndim - 1:  # vectorized model
            model_shape = model.shape[:-1] if vectorized_along_last else \
            if model_shape != target.shape:
                raise ValueError(f'Target shape {target.shape} and model '
                                 f'shape {model_shape} mismatch.')
            data_axis = tuple(i if vectorized_along_last else i+1
                              for i in range(target.ndim))
            target = target[..., None] if vectorized_along_last else \
                target[None, ...]
        elif target.ndim == model.ndim:  # non-vectorized model
            data_axis = tuple(i for i in range(target.ndim))
            if model.shape != target.shape:
                raise ValueError(f'Target shape {target.shape} and '
                                 f'model shape {model.shape} mismatch.')
            raise ValueError(f'Target is {target.ndim} dimensional, while '
                             f'model is {model.ndim} dimensional.')
        if self.reduction == 'mean':
            _loss = (self._loss(model, target)).mean(axis=data_axis)
        elif self.reduction == 'sum':
            _loss = ab.sum(self._loss(model, target), axis=data_axis)
        if sum_vec:
            return ab.sum(_loss)
            return _loss

__call__(self, model, target, sum_vec=True, vectorized_along_last=False) special

Evaluate the loss function.


Name Type Description Default
model tensor

model data.

target tensor

target data.



Type Description

The loss values as a scalar (non-vectorized data) or 1D vector (vectorized data).

Source code in funfact/
def __call__(
    self, model, target, sum_vec=True, vectorized_along_last=False
    '''Evaluate the loss function.

        model (tensor): model data.
        target (tensor): target data.

            The loss values as a scalar (non-vectorized data) or 1D vector
            (vectorized data).
    if target.ndim == model.ndim - 1:  # vectorized model
        model_shape = model.shape[:-1] if vectorized_along_last else \
        if model_shape != target.shape:
            raise ValueError(f'Target shape {target.shape} and model '
                             f'shape {model_shape} mismatch.')
        data_axis = tuple(i if vectorized_along_last else i+1
                          for i in range(target.ndim))
        target = target[..., None] if vectorized_along_last else \
            target[None, ...]
    elif target.ndim == model.ndim:  # non-vectorized model
        data_axis = tuple(i for i in range(target.ndim))
        if model.shape != target.shape:
            raise ValueError(f'Target shape {target.shape} and '
                             f'model shape {model.shape} mismatch.')
        raise ValueError(f'Target is {target.ndim} dimensional, while '
                         f'model is {model.ndim} dimensional.')
    if self.reduction == 'mean':
        _loss = (self._loss(model, target)).mean(axis=data_axis)
    elif self.reduction == 'sum':
        _loss = ab.sum(self._loss(model, target), axis=data_axis)
    if sum_vec:
        return ab.sum(_loss)
        return _loss

MatrixLoss (Loss)

Base class for FunFact loss functions for matrices (2D tensors).

Source code in funfact/
class MatrixLoss(Loss):
    '''Base class for FunFact loss functions for matrices (2D tensors).'''
    def __call__(
        self, model, target, sum_vec=True, vectorized_along_last=False
        if target.ndim != 2:
            raise RuntimeError(f'Target is not a matrix, has {target.ndim} '
        if model.ndim == 3:  # vectorized model
            if vectorized_along_last:
                loss = ab.stack(
                    [self._loss(model[..., i], target) for i in
                loss = ab.stack(
                    [self._loss(model[i, ...], target) for i in
            data_axis = (1, 2)
        if model.ndim == 2:  # non-vectorized model
            loss = self._loss(model, target)
            data_axis = (0, 1)
        if self.reduction == 'mean':
            loss = loss.mean(axis=data_axis)
        if self.reduction == 'sum':
            loss = ab.sum(loss, axis=data_axis)
        if sum_vec:
            return ab.sum(loss)
            return loss

MSE (Loss)

Mean-Squared Error (MSE) loss.

Source code in funfact/
class MSE(Loss):
    '''Mean-Squared Error (MSE) loss.'''
    def _loss(self, model, target):
        # ab.abs: to handle both real and complex numbers
        return ab.square(ab.abs(ab.subtract(model, target)))

L1 (Loss)

L1 loss.

Source code in funfact/
class L1(Loss):
    '''L1 loss.'''
    def _loss(self, model, target):
        return ab.abs(ab.subtract(model, target))

KLDivergence (Loss)

KL Divergence loss.

Source code in funfact/
class KLDivergence(Loss):
    '''KL Divergence loss.'''
    def _loss(self, model, target):
        return ab.multiply(target, ab.log(ab.divide(target, model)))

PhaseInvariantMSE (MatrixLoss)

MSE loss for matrices agnostic to global phase.

Source code in funfact/
class PhaseInvariantMSE(MatrixLoss):
    '''MSE loss for matrices agnostic to global phase.'''
    def _loss(self, model, target):
        return ab.square(ab.abs(
            ab.transpose(model.conj(), axes=(1, 0)) @ target) -
            ab.eye(model.shape[0], target.shape[1])

PhaseInvariantL1 (MatrixLoss)

L1 loss for matrices agnostic to global phase.

Source code in funfact/
class PhaseInvariantL1(MatrixLoss):
    '''L1 loss for matrices agnostic to global phase.'''
    def _loss(self, model, target):
        return ab.abs(ab.abs(
            ab.transpose(model.conj(), axes=(1, 0)) @ target) -
            ab.eye(model.shape[0], target.shape[1])
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