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Tensors and Indices

Abstract Indices

Abstract indices are symbolic objects that FunFact uses to denote how computations should happen between tensors. They can be created using the index and indices methods.

import funfact as ff
i = ff.index('i')          # named index
j = ff.index()             # anonymous index
p, q = ff.indices('p, q')  # batch declaration
r, s, t = ff.indices(3)    # batch declaration of anonymous indices

Abstract Tensors

Tensors can be created using the tensor method. These tensors are abstract in the sense that they only contain attributes such as dimensionality, shape, and optionally a symbol. Abstract tensor are not populated with numerical elements until we start to solve a concrete factorization problem.

import funfact as ff
import numpy as np
a = ff.tensor('a', 5, 2, 4)                      # a random 3-way tensor
b = ff.tensor('b', np.arange(10).reshape(2, 5))  # a 2-way tensor (matrix)
u = ff.tensor('u', 4)                            # a random vector
v = ff.tensor(5)                                 # an anonymous random vector
c = ff.tensor('c')                               # a scalar, i.e. 0-tensor

Special tensors

FunFact is shipped with a small set of predefined special tensors due to their prevalence in linear algebra computations. These include:


By default, the abstract tensors are populated with random elements draw from the normal distribution upon initialization of a factorization model. A collection of alternative initializers are provided in the initializers module for customizing this behavior. Users can also plug in any callable objects that accepts a shape argument of a tuple of integers and returns a numerical tensor of the corresponding shape.

import ff.initializers as ini
X = ff.tensor('X', 5, 2, 4, initializer=ini.Uniform)
Y = ff.tensor('Y', 5, 2, 4, initializer=ini.Uniform(scale=1.25))
Z = ff.tensor('Z', 5, 2, 4, initializer=ini.Normal(mean=-1, std=0.2))

Preferences and conditions

Many factorization algorithms enforce constraints on the factors found in the solution. For example, the eigencomposition requires that the matrix of eigenvectors to be orthogonal/unitary. In FunFact, this can be specified on a tensor-by-tensor basis using the prefer= argument to tensor. A number of predefined conditions can be found in conditions. Custom conditions can be created by subclassing funfact.conditions._Condition.

import ff.conditions as cond
X = ff.tensor('X', 6, 6, prefer=cond.UpperTriangular)
Y = ff.tensor('Y', 6, 6, prefer=cond.Unitary(weight=2.0))
Z = ff.tensor('Z', 6, 6, prefer=cond.Diagonal(elementwise='l1'))
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