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Tensor Factorization

A FunFact tensor expression can be used to factorize a target data tensor with the factorize method. The most basic usage is as follows:

import funfact as ff
# ... create tsrex, load target
fac = ff.factorize(tsrex, target)
The result fac is a factorization model based on the input tsrex. The solution is found by minimizing the mean squared error (MSE) loss function between the data and factorized tensor using stochastic gradient descent.


The target data tensor has to be a native tensor type of the active backend or a NumPy array. Furthermore, the tsrex expression and target have to be of the same shape.

The factorize algorithm can be adjusted and fine-tuned by the user in order to obtain the desired performance for each application. By default, the iteration will run for max_steps=10000 steps or until convergence is reached with tolerance tol=1e-6, whichever occurs first.

Vectorization for multi-instance learning

Out of the box, the factorize method creates one random initialization of the factorization model as starting point for the optimization process. For more complicated tensor factorizations, the chances of success can be drastically improved by optimizing multiple random initializations simultaneously. This process is called vectorization in FunFact and the factorize algorithm can be used on a vectorized model by specifying the vec_size keyword integer argument.

fac = ff.factorize(tsrex, target, vec_size=64)

The code above will run 64 randomly initialized models in parallel until max_steps is reached or one of the model instances reaches the convergences threshold. At that point, the best factorization model in terms of loss is returned.

The behavior of a vectorized iteration can be adjusted by the following keyword arguments for the factorize algorithm:

  • stop_by=... indicates when the iteration for a vectorized factorization stops:

    • first: the iteration stops as soon as one instance satisfies the convergence criterion.
    • int \(n \in [1, \mathrm{vec_size}]\): the iteration stops as soon as n instances satisfy the convergence criterion.
    • None: always run the iteration until max_steps. The default is first.
  • returns=... specifies what output is returned:

    • best: only the best instance is returned as a factorization model
    • all or int \(n \in [1, \mathrm{vec_size}]\): returns a list of all of or the best n instances as a list of factorization models sorted in ascending order by loss. The default is best.
  • apppend=... is a boolean flag that indicates if the vectorization dimension is appended (True) or prepended (False) to the leaf tensors. This does not effect convergence, but can improve the performance dependent on the order the data is stored in memory. The default value is False.

An example use case is:

fac = ff.factorize(tsrex, target, 


The factorize algorithm can be further tailored to a specific application and data set. To following keyword arguments are available to users to achieve this:

  • tol (float): convergence threshold imposed on loss function. Default: 1e-6.
  • max_steps (int): maximum number of iterations. Default: 10000.
  • checkpoint_freq (int): Frequency that convergence is checked. Default: every 50 iterations.
  • dtype (ab.dtype): Numerical datatype. Default: None which uses the same type as target.


The optimizer that is used can be changed and its (hyper)parameters, such as the learning rate lr, can be modified through the FunFact Optimizer API. All keyword arguments that are input to factorize are passed to the optimizer. FunFact currently offers native support for two optimizers and allows for a custom optimizer:

  • optimizer: optimization algorithm:
    • 'Adam': Adam optimizer.
    • 'RMSprop': RMSprop optimizer.
    • callable: user provided optimizer that implements the Optimizer API.


The loss function used in the optimization process can be changed as well as its (hyper) parameters. FunFact currently offers three loss functions:

  • 'MSE': Mean-Squared Error (L2) loss.
  • 'L1': L1 loss.
  • 'KLDivergence': KL Divergence loss.

Custom loss function to be defined by implementing the Loss API.

The loss function can be further adjusted by the penalty_weight argument which is the scalar factor applied to all the penalty terms specified on the leaf tensors. If penalty_weight=0.0, it is not taken into account in the loss function. The default value is penalty_weight=1.0.

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