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Grammar Reference


The information on this page is mostly relevant to advanced users and developers.

Embedded Domain-Specific Language (eDSL) for Tensor Expressions

As we have seen earlier, a FunFact tensor expressions (tsrex) can be expressed using a hybrid of:

  • index notations that extends the Einstein summation convention, and
  • NumPy-style operations.

This expression system essentially implements a domain-specific language (eDSL) embedded in Python. The formal grammar for this eDSL is:

  • An elementwise function evaluation of a tensor expression yields a new tensor expression.
  • Binary operations between two tensor expressions yields a new tensor expression.
  • Unary operations on a tensor expression yields a new tensor expression.
  • An index notation is by itself a tensor expression.
  • A tensor is by itself a tensor expression.
  • A literal value is by itself a tensor expression.
tsrex -> f(tsrex) |
         tsrex binary_operator tsrex |
         unary_operator tsrex |
         index_notation |
         tensor |

A tensor expression, regardless of its complexity, can be indexed by an index set whose size is consistent with its dimensionality.

index_notation -> tsrex[indices]

A valid index set consists of zero or more index variables, each of which can be optionally decorated with the ~ and * modifier.

indices -> |
           index |
           indices,  index |
           indices, ~index |
           indices, *index

Most common math routines in NumPy can be used as elementwise functions.

f -> abs   |
     exp   | log   |
     sin   | cos   | tan   |
     asin  | acos  | atan  | atan2  |
     sinh  | cosh  | tanh  |
     asinh | acosh | atanh |
     erf   | erfc  |

Valid binary operators are multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, exponentiation, Kronecker product, and matrix multiplication.

binary_operator -> *  |
                   /  |
                   +  |
                   -  |
                   ** |
                   &  |

The only unary operator currently implemented is negation.

unary_operator -> -

Tensors and indices can be named by a alphanumeric identifier with an optional numeric subscript.

tensor -> identifier
index -> identifier
identifier -> ([a-zA-Z]+)(?:_([a-zA-Z\d]+))?

A literal is a real or complex scalar whose value is known at the time of creation of a tensor expression.

literal -> number
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